The kind of air I walk on. Emptiness that doesn't feel hollow, rather like a space for opening and connecting the inner and the outer. The two worlds intertwined. Sudden growth of worlds. I take up more space, but so does everything else. Because there are no limits or compressing, there is only time and us and expansion. The vibrations inside me have all these possible directions to keep traveling to. Possibilities to meet and be met in an illuminating, loving way. The tiny particles touch, we feel it no matter near or far. There are collidings and separations and meltings. To be the receiver, the lucky ears that hear through the heart - what a priviledge. Nothing like this air, nothing like these walls that turned into dust that made the world so visible. Little did I know that in the effort of reducing something, reducing the role of my ego, I'd find this much expansion. Listening to the high notes of a soul-driven life I keep reaching for the flutes to play the song of tonight and all of tomorrows. Letting the melodies open up the skies and make the vibrations be the most incredible lyrics, the greatest storytellers that we've ever known. And what if life is this exact song and the lyrics we can't see but feel, are the reality?