Sometimes I wonder. I wonder how and why and when.
Especially today I felt something I’ve known for a long time, but haven’t been able to put into words. It feels as if I’ve been here on earth much longer than twenty years. My soul feels so old, yet my heart is foolishly and beautifully young. The journey I’ve already gone through in my life seems so long and full of lessons. And there’s still a lot to be experienced, for sure.
But I know that my soul is special and it has been here before - in another shape or form. I realised it when I really started listening to my intuition more. My soul already knows my path and purpose, it knows things that my mind can’t figure out. Because it has been here before and it will stay long after I’m gone.
And it’s the most beautiful thing to let myself be guided by that, my soul and heart, by the gut feeling. Because when I let myself do that, I’ll never truly lose my direction, I’ll always be where I’m meant to be.
Midnight thoughts? Yes. Well planned post? No.
Honest and intuitive writing? Yes.
So much ❤️,